Opposition Opposition everywhere!

So, for those of you who haven’t seen Jordan and Tatyana’s Follower 101 DVD i highly recommend it.

Even for Leaders, it’s fascinating to learn about. There are principles that will improve your leading. There is also awareness of how and why a follower moves the way she does, and how We as leaders influence those.

More importantly, we see basic principles of following. How to style within his basic, how to move your feet, how to make your styling more prominent, how to spin, how to do a proper duck (something that’s becoming quite popular recently)


But one thing struck me as really awesome–Styling through Opposition.

The DVD doesn’t go into all the extravagant examples of opposition, but it’s a term that i’ve heard nearly a hundred times since i learned about it in an Arjay Centeno Workshop.

Once you start to play with Opposition, it feels sooo good. It is addictive to play with, and as a lead, we can initiate it, as a follow, you can play off of it.

Arjay taught it in a Progressive Tuck Turn, and used opposition to bounce off the anchor into a smooth transition. (in the form of a left side pass variant)

Jordan and Tat taught it in a form of a lunge into an under arm turn as a form of styling using that opposition.
I’ll post more details in my next post about Opposition

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