The Swing Lead’s Dilemma (Patterns, Patterns, Everywhere!)

As a leader in WCS, there has always been pressure to impress my follower with patterns. PATTERNS! While! Every workshop i attend, both big and small, emphasize the basics. Pros, Judges, experienced teachers, all condemn the use of complicated patterns. Rather, complicated patterns sometimes take over the dance completely, setting both an unenjoyable pace and leaving little room to breathe.

But then what is the solution? How do we get better?

Then there was the Invitation. Give the lady a chance to show off, strut her stuff, work the slot, etc. etc.

Now here is the revelation. The dance is a conversation. It is organic and it breathes. Fancy patterns are awesome, but in moderation. Invitations are awesome, but in moderation. As a Lead, our job is to set her up, and if we can do it in a fancy way, she’ll probably smile and do something awesome when we give her that invitation right after to let HER breathe and let the DANCE breathe.

I have this simple system of judging whether i’m doing a good job when i dance.

1. She Smiles that genuine smile after an awesome move, a silly move, synchronized styling, etc.
2. She Smiles, genuinely (and probably will ask my name after the dance)
3. She Smiles and glows =].

This dance should be fun, and should inspire and promote fun, and often times, when we’re having fun, we look good. So LEADS, learn fancy, complicated patterns, but use them sparingly and when the moment calls for it! Lead Invitations, mix up your dance, appreciate the basics and spiff them up, make the dance live! and have fun.

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